Mountains of entertaining, exciting and informative content: in the new "Glocknergipfel" podcast

Article from 01.05.2024

Austria's highest mountain now has its own podcast! Every three weeks there is a new episode with stories about the Grossglockner High Alpine Road, about people and animals and, of course, about its majesty, the Grossglockner.

Podcast currently in German only!

A piece of the Glockner for your home...

Why does Austria's highest mountain now have its own podcast? Quite simply because there are so many exciting stories to tell about the Grossglockner, the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and, above all, the people who work and travel there. And the best way to tell these stories is to let the people themselves have their say! And so Austria's most beautiful adventure road is now presented in various audio portraits. The host of "Glocknergipfel" is Max Kögel, who guides listeners through the individual podcast episodes. 

For example, the time-consuming snow clearing work is explained and accompanied, the most beautiful exhibitions along the Glocknerstraße are presented or a national park ranger is accompanied through the wonderful nature in the Hohe Tauern National Park. Exciting guests are also invited to talk about mobility, closeness to nature, sustainability and many other topics. In this way, we bring a piece of "Glockner", a piece of nature and many, many stories to people's homes.

Where to find the podcast
The "Glocknergipfel" podcast can be found either directly on the website or, of course, on all popular podcast platforms. Of course, you can also subscribe to the podcast at any time!