Simply "woof"! With the dog on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road

Article from 01.05.2024

It's in the nature of things that dog owners and their furry friends spend a lot of time travelling in the great outdoors. But the Grossglockner High Alpine Road is an ideal excursion destination for anyone who wants to get a taste of the mountain air with their four-legged friend. Because of course, man's best friends are also welcome guests up here!

Hiking on four paws

There is plenty for two and four-legged friends to experience and discover along the Grossglockner High Alpine Road: whether it's a leisurely stroll in the crystal-clear mountain air or an extended hiking tour on one of the numerous high alpine trails - the mountain world of the Hohe Tauern National Park is criss-crossed by an extensive network of hiking trails. There is something for everyone! Lush green alpine meadows invite you to romp around, rocks and stones for extensive climbing. The best thing about it is that you can always find rushing streams, small lakes or even snowfields up here, even in the middle of summer - a welcome way to cool down on hot summer days, especially for heated fur friends and hot hikers' feet. Encounters with smart marmots and mighty ibexes provide real "woof" moments for two- and four-legged friends. Isn't it wonderful for masters to be able to spend a carefree time in nature with their furry friends?

We are really looking forward to seeing you.